Online Appointment
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Location and directions
Hospital Puerta de Hierro Sur
Hospital Puerta de Hierro Norte
Hospital Real San Jose Vallereal

Phone numbers
Office Phone

(33) 3612-7272
(33) 3612-7372
(33) 1221-0836

Emergency phone


Call us and we will help you as soon as possible.


By Dr. Ernesto Ledesma

A unique concept in which we gather the best specialists in neurosurgery from the west side of the country to provide attention in emergencies involving surgery and clinical follow-up, cerebral issues, endovascular and spinal column treatment.

Lead by Dr. Jose Ernesto Ledesma Gonzales, whom is a neurosurgeon with a subspecialty in the field of endovascular neurosurgery, endorsed by the Ibero-Latin American Society of Interventional Neurocardiology (“Sociedad Iberolatinoamericana de Neurocardiología Intervencionista” = SILAN in Spanish).

A “fellow” in stroke and base of the cranium surgery, University of Washington.

Certificated by the Mexican Council of Neurological Surgery No. 887

Request an appointment: (33) 3612-7272 y (33) 3612-7372.

Endovascular procedures
Treated patients per year
International congresses
Awards and distinctions received